Amaran in one word : Master piece.
The whole team amaran has done a great work. Amazing and everyone has lived as character.
Sivakarthikeyan has opened up a new page in his career book. He has given his best to this role.
Sai pallavi no words to brief deserves a salute and standing ovation for her acting. Her emotions and way of delivering the feelings of a wife.... Hats off. Tears run down when she cries as soon as siva says "I'm fine".
As a cute friend, wife, mom, daughter, daughter in law she has done here best in her career. No one could have done this other than sai pallavi.
Siva singing the verses by subramanya bharathiyar "achamillai achamillai" With daughter and later with his army team brings goosebumps.
The music and screenplay is well tailored. Wonderful film. Expecting such master piece patriotic thought provoking movies from kollywood.
Pranams to Major Mukund and family.