This movie was a waste of money, the acting was good and had potential, I could see what the vision was for the movie and how they tried to make it different but the story was too cliche and too confusing at most times for it to worth it. Just when I was think the movie would get good, the credits came on, that was a bigger jumpscare than in the whole film. It had potential but it explained nothing, and u could say that what they were trying to do was create a uneasy horror of the unknown. But it didn’t have the atmosphere and depth for that type of movie. This was supposed to be an average scary movie that went south. Compare this to the movie midsommar for example, i didn’t understand, was confused During the whole movie but the more I thought about it, I could see and feel the horror that the story was trying to give me. This movie tried to do that, but just couldn’t.