I LOVE David...that being said, I'm pissed @ the number of commercials! I have, and look forward to watching the news every night for literally years. However, I am going to check other options. On tonight's segment, for instance, there was a SHORT blip on the hospitalization of Justice Ginsberg. Then there were 8,count em EIGHT commercials before the story about nurses day. In fact, I'll bet there were more minutes in commercials than on actual news! Absolutely and TOTALLY disgusting! I realize I am only one tiny viewer and it won't "hurt" to lose one! Hopefully they will drop off at a couple million or so, one little viewer at a time. Then you can run an entire half hour of commercials that no one will be watching. But you'll still be raking in the dough. Wake up producers! Give us news worth our time. You should be ashamed of yourselves! Get a clue and fix it!