This story is based on true events that took place in my home town of Brookville, PA during the same timeframe as the movie (1972-1980). Harry Barber (aka Johnny Baker) is a personal friend of my family, and was a close friend to my Mom. I did not know that he was a fan of Steve McQueen, and am not sure if that is factual or not.
I really did NOT like Travis' portrayal of Harry. He played him awkward and uneasy, and Harry was NEVER like that in my experience. He was kind, and unassuming, and very caring. He exuded self confidence, but was very humble by nature. He was also more handsome ;-)
That being said, I'm so glad this was finally made into a movie! Although a lot of the "best parts" of the real story were left out (it took them a LOT longer than portrayed to bust through the roof, for one), I still enjoyed it. Also, Harry did not turn himself in...the chief of police found out who he was and covered it up for some time (they were friends).
Please take note of the slides that run during the credits. It's 100% true that after Harry's arrest, the Police Chief wrote a letter on Harry's behalf and almost the entire town signed it in support of him. He was (and is) beloved to us. I just hope he was able to keep some of the loot!
Oh, and fun fact (which SHOULD have been in this movie), is that while in Brookville, Harry worked IN the police station for months, remodeling the entire place.