Simhasan (The Throne), the epic Marathi movie directed by Dr. Jabbar Patel, based on two quasi real Marathi novels written by noted journalist-cum-author Arun Sadhu - "Mumbai Dinank" (Mumbai Diary) & Simhasan. Mr. Arun Sadhu breathed his last today, 25th Sept. 2017.
It can be easily called as a major milestone in Marathi (perhaps Indian) Movies.
Plot: Digu Tipnis, a journalist who is highly connected, yet never used his connections to his advantage. Hence he is respected and awed by the CM & other political bigwigs. This character is taken straight from Jagan Phadnis, a journalist, of the era when journalism had not donned any color.
Some unsatisfied leaders, who are from the ruling party join hands (Not principles) to dethrone the then CM.
But the CM turns out to be much more cunning than the adversaries and the revolt is aborted. The other leaders who earlier spoke against the the corrupt, Hitlerish CM, now fall in line with him, shown their own place. All the leaders gain something or the other, but the loser is the state (even country).
Meanwhile, Digu also is berieved and his tired, defeated mind cannot take the stress of the failure of the political system in addition to his personal loss.
Cast: The starcast of this movie is like a who's who of contemporary Marathi Cinema. Even the bigwigs also were given some roles - may be insignificant, yet all have lived - not acted.
Direction: Its the direction of Dr. Jabbar Patel, which sets this movie apart from the others, in addition to the globe-wide canvas of the storyline, impeccable casting and peformances..
Truely, this movie is about the characters in contemporary politics, which may be out of relevance to the present generation. Yet the names may be difference, but the ethos and pathos of the political animals are so eternal as well as global.