I think the last of us 2 has to be one of the most beautiful games in terms of visuals that I have ever played on the PS4, the attention to detail when both Ellie and Abby are healing themselves and the gritty expressions on their face, the unique faces of enemies as you take then out. The fact that when the characters gets wet water literally starts dripping from their hair was a bit of animation attention to detail I've never seen before! (I don't think even red dead 2 had that)
People will dislike the story cause of what happened to Joel, I was taken aback by what Abby does to him but I think the way he died was actually a justifiable end to his character and was done in a classy way (I don't understand people saying he was made weak in this game, he goes out like a badass - I mean during one of the flashback scenes also you fight a bloater that grabs Ellie and he litrrally hacks it away from you with a machete pretty cool if you ask me).
The death of Joel also seems to be the perfect catalyst to set the games story into motion only to have Ellie's desperate pursuit of revenge become more understable and heartbreaking when you watch all the flashbacks at the end of the game.
The character of Abby was a bit of a bitter pill to swallow when you play as here (you do spend half the game trying to kill her only to become her charscter later on) but I did learn to appreciate her character and her own motivations for wanting Joel dead for what he did to her Dad.
There are no good guys in this story, enemies have human names, dogs get killed, pregnant women get stabbed everyone is a villian and everyone just wants to survive.
The notes in this game are no doubt one of the best parts, adding extra depth to areas full of infected and allowing you to gain more knowledge of the groups you are fighting.
Some characters are annoying Dina and Ellie's terrible jokes are sometimes so bad you want to punch through some dry wall and the weird sex thing with Owen was a bit much but never so bad that I couls give this game anything less than 5 stars.
If you play one game this year make sure you play the last of us 2, you may not agree with the story buy you'll have damn good fun playing it.