Some terrific scripting in this seriously brilliant series. And the actors bring the script to life extremely well.
The Blood Pact brings together two lovely young girls who have a strong friendship that binds them, and then, in the wink of an eye, their families are bound up in conspiracy, fraud and murder.
The likeable rogue is Marius Milner, with his innocent wife attempt to get back to living a normal life, after he’s released from prison for a murder he committed several years before.
The second family, headed by a senior tax inspector Hugo Wormond, who has a very different background, gets caught up in helping Marius and his wife out of a deep hole. And then the innocent law abiding tax inspector helps the Milner’s in ways he shouldn’t and the round apple goes truly pear shaped!
The story is, of course, a bit implausible. But that’s all part of the drama. It’s funny at times and has you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next.
Meanwhile and all through the first two series the two young girls, the daughters of Hugo and Marius, continue their friendship oblivious as to what their parents have been up to.
I can’t wait to watch the third series. Will Hugo get himself out of the huge hole he’s dug for himself? I await in anticipation to find out what happens!