Asuran, directed by Vettrimaran depicts the vulnerability of the alpha male in a clan as he fights upper caste, landlords and the rich on an unequal footing. Dhanush who started by collaborating with Director Vettrimaaran in the movie Pollathavan has now become a refined actor. He plays the protagonist Sivasamy, aged farmer, Manju warrier, malayalam actress playing his wife (Pachaiyamma). The story goes back and forth between the immediate past, present and distant past all of which have a bearing on the life of the alpha male and the vulnerable Asuran. The violence shown in the movie aptly recreates the scenario of caste based inequality and injustice shown in movies like Devar Magan(remade as Virasat), Pariyerum perumal. It takes it one level beyond this by weaving a fine fabric of human insecurity, ego and struggle for land and natural resources which makes them unleash the vicious animal hidden in all of us. The director has sent out a simple message that solution to human conflict is education and using the power of mind to open up our horizons and use it for further progress and development of mankind. Danush has shown that he is now an actor who can leap into higher echelons of method acting. This one is not to be missed. Rating 3.5/5.