The love of God is bigger than a skewed doctrine where humans who identify as Christians have not followed His example of perfect love; It's clear to many of us that Jesus' example of God's love in not the model the present day church-goers follow. The sermon the Carlton preached at the end of the movie suggested that the "saved" people prefer not to believe that God would love everyone. Wonder why is Hell so important to them.
The Good news is that God loves us all and has "saved" us all, including church members, lol. I like that: It doesn't matter what the church does or does not do, God loves us all, Jeaus died/ was crucified showing us how to love each other. Now the only thing Believers like me need to do is love radically like our Elder Brother, Jesus of Nazareth,The Crucified One. We do this not to avoid hell, but because love is the way of God.