I’m not sure where to begin? To be honest, I was super excited to watch this show, especially during this pandemic. I was hoping it would bring to light what nurses really do on a daily basis. After forcing myself to continue to watch this show after 15 minutes, I could barely make it through the first episode. I don’t plan to watch anymore. It’s just sad. Nurses would never share anyone’s personal information. Most of us are in specialized areas and we do not have only one patient to care for each day. We lay our hands on many and we actually work really, really hard. We would never be caught dead eating at our own patient’s bedside. We barely ever have time to eat or even use the bathroom as it is. However, we do come together as a team with our patient’s best interest in mind-always. We truly do care with our hearts and we are constantly thinking outside of the box because a lot to caring for our patients is very much more intricate and complex than what is shown in this tv series. I understand it’s a television show, but to portray our profession in this kind of light during this period in time really is a major let down to the entire nursing community. This show is absolutely a disgrace to our field.