I will say, it is worth a watch, but don't hope it to bring the greatness of the original Smile. In the original, I was able to feel for the character, connect with her and feel for her situation as she was sinking more and more into the abyss of the demon torture. Even worse, was seeing the lack of care of those around her. All in all it made her ending feel that much painful and grim as the demon tricked her.
For Smile 2, it was different, I could not connect nor feel sympathy for the character. She was just too whinny and never showed much redemption in her ways. It also felt as if I was watching a constant support for the VOSS water. First, unhealthy to drink water that way, second, why so often and how did she not get water toxicity. I expected, due to them showing her consume water so often for it to have something to do with the plot, but NOPE it was just let's say advertisement.
Sure this movie made sure to include so many jump scares, but to me they felt more theatrical. Unlike Smile where the fear was more intense and it was based more psychological; Smile 2 was a constant in your face. Not to mention that the at times the story line felt a bit all over the place.
If Smile 2 would have been a stand alone new horror movie with a different name I believe it would have stand a bit better. However, as a sequel, I truly believe that the creators gave up faith on their master piece of Smile, and decided to follow up with a quick money grab theatrical Smile 2 which sadly, sacrificed the amazing meaning and true affect of the demon possession and associated madness it's victims suffer from.