This is just a dump of my thought process so forgive me for it not being in order.
I've never been so angry to the point of tears at a game. I loved the first part and was intrigued at there being a second. But truthfully? This should've been scraped.
It felt disorganised with how events were sequenced. I watched Jacksepticeyes playthrough and loved his suggestion of how the beginning sequence could've gone.
Ellie was so consumed with the idea of revenge that she didn't avenge Joel at all, she abandoned her family. At least Joel was there for her and learned to be a dad even if he didn't want to initially. Ellie truly did lose herself and it was sad.
Honestly, I was trying for so long to still like Ellie but after she murdered Alice the dog and killed a pregnant woman, I couldn't feel any inkling of empathy for her. Maybe that's the point, but it sure was hard to keep my interest after that. The storyline needs to be engaging and something the gamer wants to play, if the players are reluctant to play that isn't a great sign. Again, could be intentional to force the player outside their comfort zone but I'm not sure.
I'd also be interested to know how on earth Tommy survived when he was shot from mere centimetres away but Jesse didn't.
One writing tip I've learnt is if the main character was one of the side characters, would you be satisfied with their story and ending? In this game, the side characters were dispensable. And some deaths were rarely mentioned afterwards. Jesse was shot in the head the second he walked through the door, and was only mentioned once later on. What was the point of introducing him as a character if his death had barely any impact?
I feel there was so much focus on Abby and Ellie's little spat more than the fact this is a post apocalyptic survival game.
I'll give credit where its due though, the graphics of the game were just incredible. I was blown away with how much dedication and effort must have gone into creating such a magnificent world. Just truly wish the plot was better.