Veilguard isn’t a bad game but it’s not a good game
The only thing it has going for it is the graphics and character creator that’s it.
Playing as Rook was the most isolating experience I have had I would not recommend this game for a dragon age fan that wants to feel connected to the team.
The most romantic game is only half true it’s not the most romantic between the protagonist and the companions you choose.
There is a feeling of isolation between Rook and the companions when at the base.
If you like being a third wheel talking to adults like they are children, limited shaping of Rook personality hit and miss writing then yes Veilguard is for you.
The journalist saying that Veilguard is a return to form are either big fat Liars paid off by EA or never played the previous games produced by BioWare.
Veilguard doesn’t have blood magic no blood and gore childish looking Darkspwan
The protagonist is a forced goody goody no real bite in the “angry” choice
There is no conflict between the companions
There is no jealousy
The majority of people that made the previous games no longer work at BioWare and the “creative” team working at BioWare are extremely LAZY or just lack the skill to properly include Non binary characters.
all they needed to do was make up an Tevinter term for non binary and it would have made it a much better experience.