I’ve been reading Stephen King, since I was probably too young to be reading Stephen King. I am 51 years old now, and I’ve gone to see his movies with my own children. I’ve recommended his books to them read. I am a teacher of literature, English language arts, and writing. I understand all of us have our own political beliefs, and we all have feelings that are strong about things that affect our country, however, when I am reading fiction and literature thats not the format for such topics unless they lend to the topic and not from the authors own personal views. As someone who had admired and loved Stephen King for 40 years and was a source of escape for a horrible childhood I was disappointed to have political views and negative perceptions of things that others may see differently, pushed down my throat through a seemingly fictional novel. It doesn’t matter whether those are my views or not I shouldn’t have them shoved down my throat while I’m reading a book that I paid $50 for & as the book goes, after about the first 40 pages I was given so much anti-Trump anti-vaccine anti-propaganda that it was hard to navigate what story was trying to be told. I’m sure I will pick the book back up because at the end the end of day I am a true fan of Stephen King, unfortunately, whether it was the restrictions of Covid that did it or maybe he got the vaccine or he just should have voted for Trump… I’m not pushing my views .. but things have sucked in the last few years years. Hmmm