i’ve never left a bad review for any movie until now. i wish they had kept the concept in their head and not written it down, not executed it, not wasted my time. the characters are boring, they have zero chemistry, bland, and the main character is a liar and extremely unlikable.
worst of all is how unbelievable the story was. imagine having a school teacher being able to get a job judging relationships and telling you if you’re made for each other? and does she think shes the only one questioning her relationship where she would go so far as to get a job with the love matching company? why would anyone test or even take the test seriously when only 13% of couples match? also, the concept of doing all that “bonding” exercise just to test the fingernail, why is it necessary? why does she and amir even have a job? why not have a doctor take out the nail? its also impossible to take the nail out that effortlessly or quickly, they have to numb the finger. and why do you need the entire nail? and if you’re not in love anymore just break up? why depend on a test? no one would care if they tested “positive “ if they fell out of love. and no one would break up just for being “negative.” imagine going through divorce and lawyers and destroying your life after 10 years together and a few kids becuase of a dumb test? and why cant you be in love with multiple people? why would she expect amir to be the one in love when she initiated the test? the idiocy is driving me nuts! i could tell the main couple were incompatible from the first few scenes. i was genuinely shocked that the boyfriend said he was in love with her because seriously, no seriously? there was no chemistry. also why does she look like she never washes her hair? her smirk is so annoying. its like miranda sex in the city copy and paste except miranda is sexier and way more likable if that was EVER possible. the first time i saw her legs was the only time i remembered she may be a woman and even then i didn’t really care. zero sex appeal or chemistry i literally skipped the kiss scene with amir oh my god everything was bad im so offended by this movie. who wrote this? no one objected at the screening? no one saw what we all saw? unbelievably horrible film.
if you like this kind of concept I would go watch the k drama “love alarm” or “the one” both on netflix instead of this, atleast its more interesting and fun and if you dont like it you havent wasted as much time as you would watching this mess.
to all the professional critics giving this movie good reviews just remember your reputation when you put a good stamp on a factually poor movie for money.