Me and friend were at a takeaway carpark having a parmesan due to not being able to dine in. We started watching trailers on YouTube etc untill he said to me 'have you seen interstellar?' I said no 'whats that?' He put away his parmesan and started driving whilst I continued to eat mine. We went to his movie room and he loaded the film up, he then went and reheated his parmesan and cracked open a chilled curiosity cola. Albeit it was me that was curious with what was going on. Anyway the movie started and 3 hours later it ended. I don't have any words to describe it hence why I used so many words with the above foreplay. The movie was excellent. Super. Magnificent. Outstanding. You know all them big words you see when you see a trailer of a film and the last scene is a list of newspapers and critics telling you how many stars it was with a big word next to it like.
(The Daily Telegraph)