Hang Out with Yoo’ is a delightful reality show hosted by the beloved MC, Yoo Jaesuk, as he engages in various activities with his celebrity guests. Each episode offers a unique blend of fun challenges and insightful discussions, providing viewers with an enjoyable viewing experience.
However, it's unfortunate that during the episode featuring SEVENTEEN, there were something mis in the captions, leading to misunderstandings among viewers. It's important to clarify that this was not the fault of SEVENTEEN or Yoo Jaesuk, but rather an oversight by the editing staff.
In response to this incident, it's crucial for the production staff to issue a sincere apology to ARMY, BTS, and SEVENTEEN. And for every ARMY who unfairly criticized or dragged SEVENTEEN should take responsibility and offer apologies.
Let's continue to support ‘Hang Out with Yoo’ and appreciate the efforts of everyone involved in creating this entertaining reality show.