This show is excellent, but in my opinion, it works best when it takes on a life of its own apart from the original. For example, I loved every episode up until Vicky's Best Friend, where they brought Crocker back, for no reason other than that he’s in the original. Vicky took the role of fairy obsessed teacher, so having Crocker is pointless. It's just stupid. They also use screenshots from the original series , but they don't fit in because the new show is live action, whilst the screenshots are from a original witch is a cartoon. Except for tiny details like Nate Buxaplenty being related to Remy Buxaplenty, I think the fairy's and Timmy should have been the only connection to the original show. However, when it is doing its own thing, it is incredibly good and funny, so I’m giving it an 8 out of 10 for the most part