I have not watched the show, but I just want to say that these reviews are golden. The absolute pinnacle of google reviews, this is what professionals should strive for. Perfection. I have no words, well actually I have a lot of words and here goes: the government is controlled by lobbyists and corporations. The president of the United States doesn't have as much power as you think and is, in fact, paid off by massive oil companies to act like they're doing something about the potential extinction of the whole human race and most of all life on this planet but instead makes measures to insure the oil companies keep on drilling. This whole 'false scarcity' disaster and high gas prices is only the tip of the iceberg. The fact of the matter is, there is and always has been a plan to manipulate the middle class into believing that the lower class are their enemies. It's the age old divide and conquer that has been tried and true for centuries, and yet we're too blind to even see it. Even among the middle class, we have been split into two in the USA. It's one big facade to keep us fighting and arguing amongst ourselves to prevent us from ever seeing the bigger picture. They own us, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it but get down on our hands and knees to suckle on the great big dongle of the American dream. One day, we hope, we will become one of those elites; but that day will never come. You can work as hard as you want and you'll never earn a billion dollars by yourself without stepping over other people to get there. We call each-other sheep, but in reality we are all sheep. As long as we buy into the belief that our peers are our enemy, we have already lost. There is simply no hope for us and we will voluntarily drive ourselves to extinction because saving ourselves was never 'cost effective'. We are a doomed species and always have been from the start. Don't feel so bad about it though, we had a good run. It's been really fun and all, but now it's time to move on and accept the impermanence of the universe itself. Nothing lasts forever but we've been given a marvelous opportunity to see things from our own perspective. We are the universe looking back on itself, so enjoy this while it lasts. Death is really not so bad, it's over in an instant and then you get to experience literally everything for a split second. For that split second, you are enlightened before your existence as an individual fades into nothingness. What a hell of a trip it's been, and I wish you all the best. You don't have to understand it all in order to live how you've always wanted to, searching for meaning is meaningless and you will never fully grasp the paradox of our very existence. The point of life is to understand the point of life, of which there is none until you make of it what it is. It's one big cosmic joke. Always look on the bright side of death.