I didn’t enjoy this film as much as others did. While it does contain a few very compelling aspects such as, a great visual art style, flawless performances, casting and philosophical depth. It falls short on its writing; specifically it’s pacing. The film depicts essentially all the major plot points as the book, but it does so in such quick succession that it detracts from conveying an active understanding of its conceptual purpose. In the book the entire third act was supposed to subvert the audiences expectations from the norms of a contemporary western thriller. It does this because it has fifty pages in that third act to cement this effect. In the film however, there is one scene from the third act of the book and then the movie just ends in a very abrupt manner. Another example would be how after the very slow beginning, the 2nd act moves so quickly and stays so closely to the source material that it is almost as if it is making a montage of the events from the book. It is truly a shame because the visual aspect was entirely consistent with my artistic preferences but the pacing was just unforgivable. But that’s not to say I don’t recommend this film because I definitely do. It is brilliant in every aspect but having read the book first I feel the pacing of the film was jarring.