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Does it feel like Tyler’s movies are getting worse and worse?
These last two were THE WORST. Mea Culpa wasn’t totally bad. It was interesting. But the end! Omg… too many holes and unanswered questions. Now this movie….it had potential of being good, but there were little IUD explosives that kept going off! The first, was the relationship between Dallas and Ava. At the funeral, you saw the tension and anger he had towards her. It made you look forward to them being together so that you could get a back story as to how this unlikely and unyoked couple met and stayed together. Nothing. He’s just pissed the whole time. And Ava obviously liked dad cases that needed help, but you only know that cuz her BF mentioned a poor dirty dog she homed in the past. Another bomb was that you later “hear” that she was a battered wife. But, she didn’t act like one, because she moved around him with no caution. She put herself in front of him and there was no body language showing she feared him.
Another bomb was the guy that was infatuated with her. Tyler set him up to be so clingy and cringy. Then you see him hosting a petting zoo, and then losing his animals and he shows no emotion?! I thought there was about to be a twist! He was the bad guy! But nope.
The ending was crrrrap. So fast! The guy gets shot and goes down so fast, then she’s sad in ambulance van, then in very next scene laughing at hospital, and Dallas’s fam is there too. They ended the movie like it was a 25 minute episode of Family Matters; quick! Ok, everyone be happy. No! We needed way more backstory. Ugh…. Yall… I’m scared of his next movie. Seems like, if Tyler P is not in his own movie…. He doesn’t care how good it is.