The Day and the Dweller by Jonathan Thompson is a beautiful illustration of wisdom written in a storytelling manner that takes you on a mysterious journey; factors of which encompass us all intermittently. I attained this book with a level of trepidation. The will to change emanated a level of fear not unbeknownst to most who would agree. Now the book has become a reference guide when ambiguity is sensed in my own path. Personally I found the writings approachable, detailed enough to capture my attention, and overall – inspirational. The author succeeds in relaying his personal stories with enough detail to enshroud empathy from the reader, whilst providing insight as to historic reason behind action. In the book I found broadly perceptive teachings designed for those who seek some clarity on the famed Emerald Tablets, including that of sacred geometry – a facet I have until now been pragmatically unable to relate to within my own journey. When you entwine yourself within the book as I have, do pay due attention to the reference on the Sanskrit Chakras – alignment of which have life-changing potential.
Unquestionable must-have book for truth seekers, and a masterpiece for the inquisitive, yet discerning mind. Should you be akin to awakening to your life’s purpose, the only advice I have is to get yourself a copy, today.