This show is wack. It was an amazing show until Chrishell came. It's obvious she always wanted Christine gone and she planned on it. She dated Jason and yes she did always get listings but once she started dating Jason she got more and more. In my opinion she used him. Mary too she always acts like she is the victim. True Christine has done bad things but without home girl the show would have ended a long time ago.. She saves the entire show and Chrishell ever since she came it's always been downhill. She and Mary used their advantages of dating their boss to bully Christine. Heather. That girl I love her but she pisses me off. All Christine did was send a heart to you and Idk why Emma had to put her mouth and act like it was dramatic. She wanted to show you love that even though she isn't there she wants u to know she still cares for you. Venessa and that other girl Amanza just went with the crowd. Because they all ganged up with Christ they went with them too. Chrishell is the most annoying person in this entire show. She has always been out to get Christine and it's obvious that eve since she's been on the show she has made everyone turn against Christine. You all have done something to Christine and that made her do it back. Then you tell the other workers what Christine did and not what y'all did. Telling one side of the story. To you guys Christine might be a rude person but to me I understand her. Having experienced with people like that it's understandable. Christine deserves a apology. Mary sucks as a boss. That girl should get fired she can't be a boss if her life depended on it. Christine has given apologies plenty times but what do they do talk About her behind her back litterly one second later. She has apologized enough y'all need to apologize too. STOP ACTING LIKE THE VICTIM. YALL ARE ACTING LIKE 5 YEAR OLDS. Christine Is still slaying as she always is and always will. You all did Christine dirty. She brought the drama, style, listings, sassyness, and everything else. This show would be a lost without my girl Christine put some respect on her name.