really don't like the bullet spray patterns at all they make the game way less fun and make it more of a luck based game which is very true. The Vandal is used for long-range but is very inaccurate compared to a mid ranged phantom.
The matchmaking is also very bad. I cant play a game without having a smurf or someone that's 5 ranks higher then me in my lobby. This also stops me from ranking up. on that note rank reset has put multiple platinum player into silver lobbies which is byfar the worst thing I've ever witnessed.
Some skins are overpriced but they most of them are worth it. The gamemodes are fun but when you hop into an actual game the experience turns to the worst.
The ping in this game is terrible. its so bad that it will spike up to 100 or 200 and stay there for around 5sec which is really annoying since it happens every game.
The longer i play the game the more i get annoyed with it.