completely different to the book. the movie missed out key parts to the book that let you know more about finch and what leads up to why he killed himself. A major part i think they missed out was that finch was constantly changing his appearance, which adds to the idea of him being bipolar, we don't really get to see to much of this idea other then just his all round shifty personality. They also missed out other key parts such as the sticky notes ( we were never told why finches room was covered in sticky notes and why it was prevalent to the synopsis), his dad,the actual argument between him and violet etc. if you were to of read the book and then watched this you'll realise how off the movie is from the book and how truly disappointing it is, because iv'e read the book and know the story line i was expecting much more and was waiting for certain bits to happen, and they never did. I also feel like the movie doesn't do the relationship between finch and violet justice. you don't fully see how much finch helped change violets life but yet how whilst he's doing that he's unable to change his own for the better, how to quote the book "violets world grows,finches begins to shrink". the movie just rushes threw it and lightly touches on each part, it felt as though they were just getting to know each other, you don't get to see the gradual growth in closeness between the two. I will applaud them on their casting for violet she was a perfect match.