Gawd, where do I start describing how awful this movie is? I'm offended that they would even allow for this movie to be released on the big screen. At first, some of the stuff is plausible. But towards the middle of the movie, the plot twist becomes absolutely ridiculous. Spoiler alert ahead: imagine Lady Gaga offering to come to your house (without any security) all the while knowing you're a wanted murderous criminal... the only thing I would save about this movie is the soundtrack. I feel like this is more of the director's attempt to advertise her daughter's music than a legitimate attempt at serious movie making. The director's daughter, who portrays the pop star character, has a gorgeous voice but is an absolutely awful actress, bless her heart... By the end of the movie, we were all laughing out loud because we felt it was all a big joke. I'm so glad I didn't spend any of my money to watch this movie.