This movie attempts to tackle multiple themes of cultural difference, the awkwardness of adolescence, and developing independence. The art style is distinct and definitely an interesting and unique take on digital animation. Older millennials will undoubtedly feel a nostalgia over boats boy bands and tamogatchi- and feel a pull towards their own teenage experience. However, the film tries to tackle too much and doesn't end on a satisfying arc. The themes and some of the characters are briefly explored, but under-developed to the detriment of the film's overall message. Mei-mei's teenage embarrassment at her overbearing mother is comedic and palpable, but the mother's own experience and motivation isn't fully fleshed out, which makes the emotional payout at the film's ending kinda... Eh. It had great potential, but felt scattered all over the place and didn't have the emotional kick in the gut I typically associate with Pixar's films. Overall, an enjoyable and promising film that just missed the mark.