This striking, dark psychological thriller which revolves around a sociopath Louis Bloom is one of the most underrated movies I have ever come across. Jake Gyllenhaal's authentic acting makes you feel immersed in this intense story. Lou runs around the town to capture breaking news for television channels that can do anything to up their ratings. This eccentric, stubborn and ambitious young man reaches a crime scene before even the police does and captures a story that can up his game exponentially. But, Lou was not done yet. The level he goes on capture the perfect chase is insane. Lou is an unorthodox character who builds a different kind of aggressive and threatening atmosphere around him. The climax of the movie keeps you at the edge of your seat and keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. All the performances along with the direction editing and screenplay was brilliant and did a great job to take you on a ride full of unexpected weirdly satisfyingly scenarios.