"if you are a casual fan, it's amazing". Most people who sit down to watch a 2-hour high-fantasy show with loads of weird creatures and people, however, are not. I understand what they wanted to create. Just as much as looking at a 7-year-old drawing a horse. You know what they want but oh boy it's not the real thing. Nothing happens in the first 2 episodes. Zilch. Nada. Niks. You have a bunch of characters as colourful as a bleached rag left in the sun for 3 months. I don't want to be "that" guy and focus on all the small nitty gritty things like the elves come across as moody more than graceful and beautiful. Or how the harfoots are basically shrub worms that walk upright. Or how the dwarves are depicted as filthy Scots rather than the brilliant artificers they are. Or how Elrond would rather put flowers in his hair and read poems than being seen as the stoic and commanding character he is. I can go on but I will not. The show is beautiful, don't get me wrong. Visually it looks fab. But not billion dollar fab. The storyline is incredibly flat with the dialogue sounding as if it is generated by an AI rather than actual words between characters. I don't know if I'll be able for 5 seasons of this tripe.
To summarise, if you want to create something under the name of Ferrari and you create an ox-cart or a rickshaw; don't be surprised if the fans of Ferrari hate it. Same here.