This was a cash grab documentary. It's horrible. The father is a psychopath, we never see the mother but she is no prize according to what we do know about her. It was very hard to get through 6 episodes of this because of the terrible acting being done by Mr. Barnett. His fake crying and throwing fits used to make people feel sorry for him is really all this is about. This is not a docuseries it is all from the father's view. I can't believe I made it through the series. Oh and it ends with him fake crying on and off because he is found innocent... Big surprise,we knew that before the series started. The oldest kid is in it for a few scenes that is it. Supposedly there will be another season so we can see it from the ex wives perspective. I will pass thank you. No answer is given as to the truth. If you have seen little clips of this, that's all this thing is a bunch of clips with the dad whining, fake crying, a few short interviews and that's about it. No answers to anything. Is she an adult or a child-who knows. I say she is definitely an adult. We do not find out anything new watching this. Read it on google and spare yourself the agony of watching 6 episodes. Fast cash for the dad, his lawyers, and the people who were interviewed.