I've watched a lot of movies in my life. Good ones, really good ones, bad ones and awful ones. Then there's this movie, "Dwasham Avatar" which doesn't fall under any of the above category. I had to create a whole new category in my "movies watched" list to categorise this movie. And after spending a considerable amount of thought into it, I decided to name the category "The-movie-I-dreaded-watching-so-much-so-that-God-knows-what-I-did-in-life-to-deserve-to-watch-such-an-abomination-of-a-"movie". So I totally recommend you to watch this movie if you want to feel the same. It's an extreme over appreciation of this "movie" that I have to rate it even 1 star to give a review of it. But anyways if you hate movies enough that you wanna find an extremely good reason why you hate them, this movie is a must watch for you.