I think that this is a total waste of time. I was interested at first but I began to hesitate because I look at the trailer a couple of times.
To start I think one of the worst things was easily the camera. In all if not most of the fight scenes the camera is flipping and consistently switching angles. It’s almost like the camera director was drunk half the time cause the camera is always moving and can never stay on one thing
The fight scenes and stunts were all mediocre. There were barely any good fights in the movie. The action was bad and it was like the cast had to make it up as the camera kept flipping. The alien was chocking somebody out in every fight scene and the people getting chocked only stand there like they don’t have any weapons or other ways to attack the alien. Almost every major fight scene ended in some character jumping or an explosion
The plot it self collapsed in on itself. There are multiple scenes in the movie that just happen without build up or any previous hints.
Another thing is that people are trying to make a movie like this on a 25 million dollar budget. Like if they didn’t waste so much money on the horrific effects they might have been able to do something.
One more thing is the fact that they kept playing the same boring and basic ambient music. The cast of actors trying to get their name out their was only to compensate for the fact that the budget was too low to pay any big time actor. I mean it’s also funny to see how they spent 25 million dollars on this movie and they only got back less than
This is a complete mockery of REAL Martialist. This is a complete mockery of the military and there skills and this is a complete mockery of movies like the predator.
Not only is this a complete waste of your time this is a waste of your money and your patience.