Absolutely 100% trash. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME! I felt no investment or attachment for any of the Cliché characters throughout the book. I hated the magical fairy feminist that has never worked a manual labor job a day in her life nor do I appreciate all the trash talking of men and fathers . The stupid character had nothing but cliché feminist talking points to say. WE KNOW BETTER. in a disaster situation and rebuilding it is the men to work their hands raw digging through the mud. The unbelievable downplay of men's contributions to society, it is disgusting. The safety they provide from the wild animals of world or the innovation and strength they need to rebuild crumbling infalstructure . It is all infuriating! I understand it is a fiction book but it is so unrealistic for a fairy one day just "be told" to come and have women live in ruins for months being exposed to the elements and not struggle with the manual labor of rebuilding. Did bears, wolves and storms not exist in "Our Place"? Women hate real back breaking, dirty, sweaty manual labor! We are not made for it and a majority of us are not good at it. This whole book is madness and a waste of time. Nothing fun or entertaining about it. No romance, no strong respecatable heroine that didn't pain women in a negative spiteful light, no lovely spoken word of endearment. Just nose jobs , fuming lesbian feminists, and fake exagerated toxic masculinity.