Well, disappointing about covers it. It's hard to believe that SWO came from the same studio that delivered the surprisingly excellent Avatar.
Graphics: a bit flat and last gen. Where Avatar was frequently breathtaking, SWO is oddly uninteresting, despite the requisite elements theoretically being in place. I never once was wowed by an amazing vista.
Characters: Kay is likeable, but most of the others seem video game average, albeit with decent voice acting (Assassin's Creed wooden school of acting take note). It's hard to get excited about anyone.
Combat: workmanlike, albeit you are mostly limited to a blaster and a few grenades. It's mostly stealth, which is a bit clodhopping even after the patch. Kill a trooper standing six feet away from his mate and nobody will notice, even if they walk over the body. Unless they do and you get mission insta-death of course. No shooting your way out of this one.
Missions: okay to shocking. One very bad example: I had to go and sort out a droid run wild - cool! I traipsed across loads of map, got frustrated trying to climb up a rock (a common problem, certainly early on), finally found him, pressed a button to release him from his cage ... and he pottered off home. End of mission. Literally nothing else. What?
The reputation system is interesting, and would keep you juggling sides, although I am not sure how much difference it really makes.
Space combat and flying: just as dull as in every other space game. Flying in space is utterly tedious, and combat is an exercise in spinning around on a point trying to lock onto something also spinning around on a point. SWO isn't the worst I've played, but I've yet to find this gaming element even vaguely interesting. Do you really want to simulate space flight for more than thirty seconds? To it's credit, SWO doesn't try.
Overall, it reminded me tonally of Starfield, strangely. It feels similar, and there is the same nagging sense of doing perfunctory things to extend game time, with none of them being that thrilling. I didn't once get a wow out of SWO, the best I managed was "not bad".
Very, very disappointing.
One last general grudge, not SWO particularly: film grain settings. Why spend gazzillions making a (hopefully) lovely looking game, then default it to a setting that makes it look massively worse? For the love of God, why? Stop it!