Living back in the 2000’s to 2010’s,
their were a lot of video games out at the time. Ones I can think of of the top of my head were skylanders, super Mario galaxy, mariokart, smash brawl, COD, and many many more. But the one video game that stood out in my childhood was halo, both combat evolved and 3. I was never really able to play shooter or fighter games(closet I got to was smash brawl/melee) so adapting to this “new” game was kinda difficult. Though my family did own halo 3, I was never able to play it for its violet nature. But I had a neighbor that was a massive halo fan and well, I was able to go to his house to play it. Man those were the days, I remember it like it was yesterday. If it wasn’t for this guy I met all those years ago. Probably wouldn’t be such a massive fan of halo. Though we’ve moved on in life.I hope to catch him online one day.
So thank you halo 3/ combat evolved. You shaped me into the person I am today.
“It’s finished, it’s finished.”- Chief and Cortana