I loved the original Sandman comic…. Series starts off strong BUT they have changed the story such that almost EVERYONE is gay and/or black which would be fine if it were not for the poor acting (except for Death, she is awesome) These choices feel preachy. And the girl and brother characters are SO annoying and poorly acted.
So good BUT:
#1) girl protagonist and brother are really annoying, poorly acted, weak characters;
#2). Transvestites and gay people literally outnumber straight people by a ratio of 5:1, to the point that it feels silly;
#3) Transvestite cabaret singing goes on FOREVER. So boring. Unbelievable amount of fast forwarding there.
#4) black characters, trans characters, iinterracial marriages, and gay characters seem to be FORCED into the series for no apparent reason other than trying to score social points. It’s a show based on a goth comic book. The choices could be good if it worked in the story, but it just feels preachy and disingenuous. Except for Death, she is awesome.
After the first several episodes, I found myself fast forwarding past the lame characters to get to the real story involving Morpheus.
5/5 for first several episodes, 1/5 for annoying girl and brother side story, averaged to a 3/5.
If you fast forward the annoying characters it is great.