There is not a single good thing to say about this movie.
Horrible acting, horrible cheesy regurgitated lines, trash characters, bad world building, the plot line is lost a dozen times at least.
Fighting for a tiny village on a random planet that will just be attacked again. The general of the fleet has time to babysit these "heroes" of the village. Guess they're not too all-powerful bc he has nothing better to do. The movie could've started at the 1 hour mark but it manages to be 2 hours long due to every other scene being in slow motion.
I'd only recommend this movie to someone if I was torturing them.
All main characters are human because they don't want to have to deal with any cgi or costume creation. All characters are caucasian except 2 people.
For all the actors and actresses in this movie... RENT WAS DUE HAHA.
Not a single unique element to this movie except the ugly scorpion-style torture holder robo machine.
I'd say there are many stolen themes from Star Wars but that would be an insult to the Star Wars movies as a whole. It's like a chewed up and spit out replication.
All this to say, a typical Zack Snyder movie. Or however you spell his name. Forgettable.