I was disappointed. I am following Jenna on her Youtube channel and it seems to me she should watch her own videos once again. SPOILERS AHEAD I think the most off putting thing was Tobias and his invincibility. So many times she stresses that it's important to put your hero in a fight where the odds are against him and make him figure out the way out of the situation. And for some reason Tobias with absolutely no training is able to defeat three trained assassins and there is no figuring out on his part. There is no trick, no being smart and cunning, nothing. I could understand the first (he got proper help but this was probably the most disappointing given the arena contained mirrors and he could have actually used that, but instead it became completely irrelevant instantly), I could even understand the second (rage rage rage and he managed, I liked this fight, probably the most intense in the book for me), but the third? Kaleo should have obliterated him with his sword, especially when he had two swords. Tobias was never trained. How the hell did he win? Was it because of the Savior's blessing? If so it was never explained and would actually make Tobias extremely useless and helpless in general for all the challenges. I was hoping for this last one (which in general lacked any excitement) at the very least Leila will run in and save him, this would have made more sense. But no, he just won, with his bones broken. 10 minutes before he could barely stand in the cell, could barely take a step but then suddenly he's running, he's jumping, climbing, everything and then killing the most vicious lad in the whole tournament. Extremely sloppy in my opinion. Also, reveal of the Savior was extremely anticlimactic. I was hoping at some point on the balcony there will be her, not Cosima. Or at the feast or somewhere. The reveal was essentially her running in, he's proclaiming his love (proper cringe) and suddenly she's announcing she's a Savior. Where the hell has she been since she left her chamber and Tobias in it? What the hell was so important that she waited until her boyfriend was almost killed?! Well, we don't know, because the book doesn't explain anything at all. Nothing. We're left in dark like Tobias who instead of raging about it, just completely forgets instantly that she's been lying to him the entire time and he just loves her. I won't mention the world building, a lot of people have referred to that, there is practically no world, all the scents, the views, everything is from our own world. No fantasy at all. I will not read a second part, waste of time.