I was absoulutley astonished by the outstanding and heartwrenching performances in the great cinematic masterpeice. I belive it should've won an oscar in every catagory. The voice actor for Pancotta is so utterly amazing and pulls off one of the most gutwrenching, heartbreaking, amzing perfomances i have ever seen in the history of cinema. The godfather comes nowhere close to reaching the tier this movie is on. It surpasses every tarantino movie and scorcesse film combined, I was suffering from chronic depression from my recently deceased father and then I saw this. Not only was my deppression cured but my Father ligit came back to life and sat down on the couch and watched the remainder of this film. Not only was the art design stellar and deep and detailed you could really feel like you were alongside Pancotta in the movie. The outstanding performance polaris gives is on another level the same goes to master Jin those are defenitly oscar worthy for supporting actor. The animation is unreal better than any dreamworks or disney movie i have ever seen It is so incredibly seamless in the stunning way the characters move and speak. I do believe i will name my children after pancotta and make sure that my wife enjoys this movie as much as i did before she can even marry me. I cannot stop about Pancotta I cannot belive this movie did not get a 150% on rotten tomatoes everything is just great, This movie is defentilty a watch and people who say the oppisite have never seen a cinematic masterpeice like this peice of artwork. GOD BLESS THIS MOVIE AND THE VOICE ACTOR FOR PANCOTTA!!!! I have learned things about myself that can't be explained i have learned the true purpose on why i was put on this earth. Before i watched this movie i did a line of coke, and after i was a completley changed man, i got up and made some ginsing tea with a teaspoon of honey, Put on a rejuvanating black sugar scrub face mask on and put a bath robe on. I turned on my old record player and started playing the beatles "abbey road" album. then kicked my feet up, took a small but worth it sip of my recently brewed ginsing tea from the forest of figi brewed in the water sourced from a glacier all the way in the rocky mountains. And started playing a match 3 game, This movie is a life changer an absoulute god tier flabbergasting outstanding cinematic triumph of a film. In the morning i painted every wall in my house white, went on amazon and bought a 300 pack of different essential oils and went from listening to loud hard heavy metal i started listening to the beatles and lowfi beats by chilled cow. and i sold every peice of furnature and aplliances in my house and replaced them with marble white couches and overly priced vases and paintings of shapes. I Take a bath in rejuvenating 100 degree farenheight mountain water with bath salts. and drink gensing tea almost everyday. All i have to say is: Thank you Pancotta you have truly blessed my life with this power statement of a film i now truly feel blessed by god.🤍