It was meh. The music wasn’t nearly as good as the first film, the animation was as good, the massive number of characters was overwhelming and their personalities more annoying than entertaining, the plot made literally no sense, they never explained why Maui was there or why the bat goddess helped Moana or had to serve the thunder god, the music wasn’t nearly as catchy or easy to sing along to as the first film’s.
It just lacked what made the first one so memorable and fun. The pace was sluggish and I lost interested after the bat lady’s song.
The finale was super lame and their whole idea of the special island made no sense and weren’t people supposed to be on the island?? It was way too small to support a tribe of people! The final battle was lame too, not as good as the first movie, or as emotional.
I don’t know, it just wasn’t the sequel I think anyone wanted. I personally would’ve rather had nothing just a lame sequel, know you? I heard they put it all together really fast so maybe that was the problem and should’ve taken their time.