Audience reviews
Silent Hill (2006)
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Robyn Gerhardinger
50 minutes ago
When this film came out in 2006, it kind of fell under the radar. Just another video game movie, right? Perhaps the critics were confused that some details gamers knew were missing from the plot, however the lack of information going into the movie never detracts from its fun. This is not a film about a video game, as much as it's title might suggest. Typical video game movies are formulaic in their structure and delivery; Silent Hill is neither of these. Expectations are often laid down simply for video game films and even today these traps are set, where Jack Black plays our villain, and Chris Pratt plays the hero. Here there are no such roles, no even for iconic Dwayne Johnson. Most of the actors are little known stars, and that plays in the film's favor. Silent Hill plays out more like an indie horror film. It lures you in with twisted psychology begging for answers, and while the plot thickens, it doesn't give way to predictability. Questions linger while hellish torture and sadness await. I would give this film 5 stars, except for the deus ex machina used at the end, where everything that happens is almost sufficiently explained in less than 5 minutes, but the twist at the very end is delicious, and begs a sequel that may never even be necessary. We can rest at the end, knowing our characters are "somewhere" if not at home.
It's hard to believe this film did so poorly critically. It makes me wonder that, had it been detached from the video game moniker, perhaps it would have a better reception. I did hear a new film might be made soon, and we can only wonder if it shares the dark wonders experienced in this twisted thriller. Until then, this movie is a great example that video game films needn't pander to the expectations of their fan base, and indeed it helps to create something that both breaths on its own and has the audacity to be unique and original, even among its peers in the horror genre. This one is a classic, make no mistake, and don't listen to the haters. Watch it and decide for yourself.