Phenomenal prequel to Yellowstone. Conveys lots of emotion with great cinematography. Can’t wait for the sequel to this prequel, 1932.
I see some people hating on the love story or historical inaccuracies. Regarding the love story, it’s clear as day to see who has empathy or not ya sociopaths. I’m pretty sure all you guys were sexually active at her age too. And for the historical inaccuracies, I’m pretty sure you’re not all 140+ years old so how would you know what’s TRULY historically accurate or not. I was born in late 90’s, but I don’t go around acting like I know how it was like to live through the Great Depression of ‘29… even though I’ve read the history books. History is written by the winners and the dead have no way to tell their side of the story. Plus, there was no internet back then to record history as easily, accurately and readily available to everyone as today. (Albeit there’s an equal amount of misinformation.)
Also, if Yellowstone is NOT a true story, why are people expecting 1883 to be one? Also also, to the one star reviews talking about “slow and boring” do y’all have no common sense? The journey is supposed to be a slow one. And y’all really complaining about cussing and white teeth? LOL! Just enjoy it. Some people are so dense and close-minded.