Within the craft of children’s books, the facility to impart a natural intuited relationship to emotional intelligence is a peak of conception, and Hannah Peckham’s series starting out life with ‘Conker the Chameleon’, and progressing to ‘Conker and the Monkey Trap’, offer children the best grounding you could wish for sharing caring lucid guidance to manage a child's feelings, doubts and fears. There is a lovely flowing troubadour style to her prose corralled in sync with Stephanie Jayne’s bright expressive fluid illustrations that encapsulate the myriad realms of feelings in reassuring gift-wrapped portraits that, leading naturally from one page to the next, take a child’s imagination on an animated adventure to help children disentangle the often confusing landscape of their emerging feelings.
This intrepid learning curve of Conker the Chameleon’s exploration into his inner world of feelings naturally lends itself to a television series along the lines of Bing! - another brilliantly conjectured story-world tailored to awakening emotional intelligence in children’s minds. I look forward to further creative instalments of the magical duo of Hannah Peckham’s and Stephanie Jayne’s journey to enlightenment with anticipation.