This a more clever coherent narrative and a vast improvement from auteur director, Lars von Trier's Antichrist (2009).The farther the film carried along, the more this vague feeling of hopelessness, seemed to increase..Observing the contrast in a pair of siblings' responses to the end of of the world via a rogue planet much larger than our sun is chilling yet sobering nonetheless... This Excellent meta analysis of the human condition faced with an inevitable impossible fate triggered an inner examination of my own psyche and survival behavior should such an event take place...The film doesn't pull any gut punches and let's you know from beginning that the end of our planets life will indefinitely happen...Thrilling and terrifying mixed with a pinch of despair..Also..Let me also lament that that not everything has to be viewed or in many cases skewed by political lense and agenda. This over simplification of rather complex narratives cheapens the the directors vision