From all of the hype and talk about this movie I expected more than just a disjointed, journey of a group of journalists from New York to Washington D.C. during a civil war in the USA. There seems to be A LOT of the story that was not told, maybe edited out of the final cut before release. There was no real setup of the story about how the civil war was sparked off, and the supposed actions of the rogue President as portrayed in the movie, nothing. You are left to guess about all of that. It was supposed to be a story about a authoritarian president, but the movie did nothing to reveal that story line at all. We are just thrust into a story about these journalists and their harrowing journey over 450 miles and the state of the country in different places while in this civil war. It was a narrow, not well at all fleshed out plot with a whole lot of "what the hell is going on and why" action scenes. I did not care about anyone in the movie, it doesn't establish any real story and is just one skit after another of awful events. Not story at all, really pretty boring and dull. The acting is boring, the action is dull, the ending is unclimactic and it does nothing to pull you into it at all. Just BLAH overall