As a high school senior who has just had to complete this book, I will fully say I relied on spark notes instead of reading this book fully. I read up to chapter 14 and honestly have nothing good to say about this book. Its supposed to represent dealing with death and losing your childhood innocence but the storyline is non-existant and confusing. Holden is a teenager who is experiencing a rough patch in his life however he does nothing to fix it but complain, mope, and drink. The "flash backs" in the book are sudden and the reader may have a hard time distinguishing the past verse the reality. The ending was also extremely dull and did not bring the book together at all. This may have related to teens in an earlier generation, but in modern day there are alomst no events or thoughts one could relate to. Overall i'm not sure why high schools require this book as it is dull and not gramatically correct.