Animation wise, sony doesn't disappoint. Some characters were a lil uncanny valley (the mom especially) but most of them were pleasing. The premise and music was great too--but the moment they added that lil purple haired girl, I hated it. She is a very annoying character and I can see they tried to make a "unique" protagonist like they did with Katie from the Mitchells vs The Machines, but in my opinion, they failed horribly. She came off as wildly obnoxious and I didn't see any sorta character development at all. I feel like she was just added as a plot device to get Vivo to Miami, but I think the movie would've been a ton better without her. Another peeve I have about the characters is the portrayal of the Sand Dollar girls. This era is definitely not the right time to mock environmental activists and make them sound like annoying PETA people.