So, not gonna bash people who don't support LGBTQ content. No point in it. I will say, that this is a clever play on how change should be accepted and how living in nostalgia can be detrimental to one's self. Everyone here whining about how it changed and how it's not like it used to be is 100% living the role that displays how detrimental it can be. It's not designed to be the same. It's made to be different.
As for the parents whining about the children, 9/10 if you don't say anything the kid won't notice and take it as face value. If you make a big deal out of it, it becomes confusing to them and conflicting with what you're teaching them. LGBTQ bad and for adults. Children shouldn't think about that. Stuff of that nature.
My advice? Don't worry about it. If they ask, answer honestly. Making a fuss creates problems later on, take it from me.