Ugh! Even though the visuals were compelling (costumes, horses, palaces, battle scenes, and so forth), the plot is deceptively vague and hard to follow. The music is pretensive and sorely misplaced (tragic!), and there is not one character in the story that you want to care about. Napoleon was, apparently, merely a by-product of the desperation and vulnerability of France after the decay and mismanagement of its government--before, during, and after the French Revolution--similar to Hitler's rise to power after WWI in Germany, resulting in the loss of millions of lives in the name of "honor" and "nobility." The film was depressing and without inspiration, an unfortunate loss of many opportunities, and a tribute only to the human ignorance and cultural blindness that is so sadly common to every historical age of mankind. God was entirely absent, according to this film. I was hoping for more.