Disney and politics, changing an OG character into what? A TERRIBLE stereotype, which one of the many do you want me to name?
Marvel. MARVEL. Ms.MARVEL. THE LEGACY IS DEAD. I love marvel, but this show is pits and there's no way to save it. Dumpster fire is right. How they allowed this to air... someone's getting fired. 💯%.
Needs more comic ms.marvel. Less off whatever the F' I just watched.
Storyboard, check. Cast check. 2 amazing studios, check. You know what went wrong.
I wanted to audition to be MARVEL'S first Indian, non bollywood, raised in good old North America. No religion, as a scientist it's a waste of my time.
HERO STUFF, AND SCIENCE. Let's go, where are my millions of comic fans at!
Let me allow Xmen to herald in a new age of awesome sauce. I mean MARVEL GLORY 😤